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Q: How is energy made available to the cell to move large starch molecules across the membrane through the process of endocystosis?
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Endocytosis is a process which allows a cell to engulf molecules in their entirety and surround those molecules in a membrane. Transport is when small molecules can actively transport through a cellular membrane and come out again.

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when proteins help molecules move across the membrane, it it called Facilitated Diffusion

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Large molecules are transported across a cell membrane by the process of process of exocytosis. This is when secretory vesicles secretes large molecules by the fusion of vesicles with the plasma membrane.

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Facilitated diffusion is the process by which glucose can pass through a cell membrane by combining with special carrier molecules.

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No, diffusion of molecules across a cell membrane is a passive process, not active, and arguably the least complex.

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Which process requires energy to bring molecules across the cell membrane?

active transport

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The process is called phagocytosis.

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In which process does a portion of the cells membrane fold inward and surround molecules to bring them into the cells?