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Q: How is food energy stored in the body and liver?
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Where does energy in your body come from?

it depends on whether your starving or not. if not, it comes from food (measured in calories). otherwise, your body's' energy will come from stored fat, stored glucose (often in the liver) and lean body tissue (muscle).

Where does energy come from in bodies?

it depends on whether your starving or not. if not, it comes from food (measured in calories). otherwise, your body's' energy will come from stored fat, stored glucose (often in the liver) and lean body tissue (muscle).

What is stored by the body as energy reserves?

Energy is stored for later use by converting it to a compound that can be stored. These are glycogen and humans and starch in plants. In humans, insulin is produced by the pancreas which converts glucose (which can't be stored) into glycogen (which can be stored) which is stored in the liver. to convert the glycogen back to glucose when energy is needed the pancreas produces glucagon, this then converts the glycogen to glucose which is ready to be used by the body for energy.

How is energy stored in the body?

Food provides energy, and too much food = too much energy so it will be stored. It will be stored and it is what we call fat. Fat can be stored almost anywhere on the human body, their usually stored around our bellys, butts, legs and arms.

What do your body do to release the energy stored in food?


Extra energy is primarilly stored?

When you take in calories, which are the amount of energy the food is giving to your body, you must use up that energy or else the energy will be stored as fat on your body

When food is scarce the human body adapts by energy?

The body uses fat which is a stored form of energy.

Which type of food can be stored as body fat?

Sugar and carbohydrates are stored as body fat. This is extra energy that the body doesn't need and so it is stored as fat.

What is the end product of fructose?

The liver breaks down fructose in food to yield energy. Fructose is considered the ideal energy source, excess is converted by the liver and stored as fat.

What type of energy does food provide the human body?

The human body converts food energy into work, thermal energy or chemical energy that is stored in fatty tissue.

How does your body release the energy that is stored in food?

through the process of exocytosis

What happens to food energy that is not stored as glycogen or fat?

It is used by the body.