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in the leaves

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Q: How is glucose stored in a lettuce?
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Where is glucose in a plant stored?

Glucose that is not utilized immediately for the plants growth are stored. The unused glucose is converted to starch molecules and stored throughout the cytoplasm

Where is glucogen stored?

Glucose is stored as glycogen in muscles and liver.

Glucose is stored in the liver as?

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Where is glucose stored in the body?

In the human body, glucose is stored in the cells. The function of the stored glucose is the secondary energy storage. The primary energy is stored in the adipose tissue.

Glucose is stored as this in a plant?

its stored as sugar

How is excess glucose stored in the body and why is it stored this way?

Glucose is stored in the muscle and liver cells as glycogen. Glycogen is insoluble, unlike glucose. This means it won't affect the osmotic potential of the cells.

Does glucose store sugar?

Glucose is stored sugar.

What is glucose stored as in plants?


How do living organisms store glucose?

In plants,glucose is stored as starch.In animals and fungi,stored as Glycogen.

How long doe it take for lettuce to grow?

How long it takes for lettuce to grow mold depends upon the conditions it is stored in. If the lettuce is stored in humid or damp conditions, it will grow mold in a few days.

How do the human body is glucose stored?

Glucose is stored in the body as glycogen. It is stored in the liver and in muscle tissue until it is needed, then the hormone glucagon - 'turns-the-sugar-on'- and releases the glycogen as glucose into the bloodstream.

Mitochondria produce ATP by?

They produce ATP by oxidizing Glucose. Energy is stored in glucose.