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The common cold viruses are able to mutate very rapidly to avoid the defenses that you may have acquired from prior exposure and an immune response. The defenses that work on one mutation don't work on the next mutation. You won't catch the same exact virus strain a second time, but you can easily catch a different one since the common cold spreads quickly from person to person.

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Q: How is it possible to catch a cold many times in one season?
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Why you use catch or caught for fever or cold?

It depends on the tense. Will you catch a cold next season? Did you catch a cold last season? I caught a cold last season. I will probably catch another one this season. I have caught so many colds my nose is permanently red. I think I am catching a cold.

If you not careful you might catch a.?

If you are careful during cold and flu season, you might catch a cold.

When you catch a cold it is most likely you contracted it from what?

A cold is a virus and you catch it from someone else or by touching something someone else has touched. This is why you should wash your hands a lot during cold season. You do not catch a cold from being cold.

When you catch a cold it is most likely you contracted it from .?

A cold is a virus and you catch it from someone else or by touching something someone else has touched. This is why you should wash your hands a lot during cold season. You do not catch a cold from being cold.

How many times can you catch a cold?

5 times

Can you catch a cold from eating boogers?

Technically, it is possible for the flu virus to be transmitted in this manner, so yes, you can catch a cold.

How many times can you catch a cold I am one year?

3 times

If you had a cold 1 month ago can you catch a cold again?

It is easier to catch a cold just after getting over one, since your body is resting from trying to fight off the germs. A way to prevent getting a cold is to wash your hands a lot, and also try to get as much sleep as possible.

Can adults catch colds from babies?

"There are three times in your life when you get sick a lot. When you are a child, when you have children and when you have grand children." Yes - definitely.

Can you catch a cold in a desert?

Yes, a person can catch cold in a desert if he/she is exposed to a cold virus.

Can your catch a cold from someone baking a cake?

You can potentially catch a cold from anyone.

Is spring season hot or cold?

Spring is a 50/50 weather cool and warm at times.