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Q: How is it that shirt can appear to be blue when it is being lit with white light?
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Which colours of light are being reflected by a white shirt when viewed in white light?

All of them.

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Why does a white shirt appear white?

because the shirt reflects all the colors in light

What colour would a red shirt appear when exposed to white light?

A white shirt is, basically, reflecting all colours of the electromagnetic spectrum which it is exposed to. So for white light it is reflecting red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. If you only expose it to red light (with a wavelength of ~650nm), it will reflect only that light. Therefore, the white shirt will appear red.

When white light shines on Peter's shirt the shirt looks blue Why does the shirt look blue?

White light is made up of three colours; red, green and blue. If the shirt appears blue, then the shirt has absorbed any other colours (green and red) and reflected the blue, making the shirt appear blue. I hope this has helped :)

When white light shines on Peter's shirt the shirt looks blue. Why does the shirt look blue?

White light is made up of three colours; red, green and blue. If the shirt appears blue, then the shirt has absorbed any other colours (green and red) and reflected the blue, making the shirt appear blue. I hope this has helped :)

Why does a green shirt look black in red light?

The reason the shirt appears red in white light is because it is absorbing all other colours apart from red which it is reflecting into your eyes. When in a green light there is no red component of the light to be reflected so the shirt absorbs all the available light which makes it appear black.

Sam is wearing a white shirt a red jacket and green trousers to a night club what will his clothes look like in a red spotlight?

Under a red spotlight, his jacket will not show up because it is red. His white shirt will appear red and his green trousers will appear black. This is because The red jacket is the same color as the light. His white shirt will turn red, since white reflects all colors, and since red is the only color, the white shirt reflects that color. His green trousers will appear black because there is no green that reflects off his trousers.

Which reflects more light a black shirt or a white one?

A white shirt reflects light while a black one absorbs it.

Why is the stage light color red when a red shirt and blue pants appear black?

The blue pants appear black because they are absorbing the red wavelengths. The shirt must not be the same color as the light, because using basic knowledge of how light works, if it really was red along with the stage light, it would appear red as well. Therefore, all of these clothing items are absorbing the light and not reflecting it back as the colors they should be under white light.

Why does a shirt look white in white light?

What sup people

What colors are reflected by a black shirt and a white shirt?

no colors is absorbed by a black shirt but instead it reflects all the colors in the spectrum of light while white shirt absorbs all the color in the spectrum of light.