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Friction creates heat when an object rubs against another very quickly. So, if the kinetic energy is higher, then there is a more higher chance of heat production.

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Q: How is kinetic energy related to heat production?
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How are heat and Thermal energy related?

it is related because heat is temperature and temperature tells how fast molecules move and thermal energy is kinetic + potential energy

Can heat be a form of kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the movement energy of an object hence heat is a form of Kinetic energy.

How are Kinetic Energy and heat related to phase changes?

heat increases kinetic energy i.e. motion of the particles leading to bond breakage which ultimately causes phase change

What are the 2 things occur when potential energy has been converted into kinetic?

Movement and heat production .

Why is heat called the graveyard of kinetic energy?

Heat is referred to as the graveyard of kinetic energy in that once kinetic energy has been transformed into heat, it is no longer usable.

Can heat be completely transformed to kinetic energy?

No heat can not be transformed to kinetic energy.

Why is heat energy linked with kinetic energy?

It is linked because heat is the total potential and kinetic energy of an object, so as kinetic energy increases, heat increases.

When can heat energy be considered as kinetic energy?

At the microscopic level, heat energy is the kinetic energy of the individual molecules.

Describe the role of energy transformation in the production of electricity?

Heat energy (as steam or hot gas) transforms to kinetic energy through the turbine. The kinetic energy transforms into electricity through the rotor of the electric generator.

What kind of energy is also called thermal energy?

Thermal Energy is the kind of energy that is related to and/or caused by heat

What are the forms of energy that can produce heat energy?

Heat is generally considered as a resultant of other energy reactions, which is why it is considered to be related to kinetic energy. All types of energy (the ability to do work) can produce heat energy.