

How is kosher food made?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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12y ago

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You would have to have access to a kosher kitchen as any contact with non-kosher utensils (this includes ovens, microwaves, counters, tables, etc), would render kosher ingredients non-kosher.

The basic rules to follow are:

* Any meat or poultry has to be certified kosher.

* Fish has to be from a kosher species, skin on. If the packaging the fish is in has kosher certification, it doesn't have to have the skin.

* Meat and dairy cannot be combined in any way, poultry qualifies as meat in this case. Even products that contain dairy byproducts (whey, etc) cannot be combined with meat.

* Fish and meat cannot be served on the same dish or at the same time.

* In North America, milk is considered acceptable by most groups. Some groups do require kosher certification for milk. Almost all require kosher certification for dairy products (cheese, etc). There is a higher level of certification for dairy products called Chalav Yisroel.

* Any processed ingredient must have kosher certification.

* Some groups do not eat certain vegetables because it's too difficult to clean them of all bugs and dirt (broccoli, cauliflower, romaine lettuce, asparagus, etc).

* Some groups require that a Jew is involved in the food preparation process of cooked food in some way, even turning on the stove/oven qualifies.

Depending on what's being served and where, some people require supervision by a mashgiach. A mashgiach is a religiously observant Jew who is well versed in the laws of kashrut.

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It's done under strict rabbinical supervision.

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What do you mean you talk about kosher foods?

The word kosher means 'fit'. When describing food as kosher, this means that the food in question is considered fit for eating by religiously observant Jews. Many people believe that food is made kosher when a Rabbi blesses it, however, this is false. In order for food to be kosher, the food has to be prepared following the laws of kashrut. Food that is not prepared following these laws cannot be made kosher after the fact.

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Whey is a dairy product, made from milk and can be kosher. As this is a processed food product, it would require kosher certification to be considered kosher.

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Any food that is not made in a kosher kitchen following kashrut (Jewish dietary laws) is not kosher. Please note that kosher is not a style of cooking.

Where can you find kosher food?

Any store. You just have to look for a kosher symbol like an o with a u in it. That means a Rabbi made sure no non-kosher ingredients went into the product. Many Wal-marts and Shoprite carry Kosher food.

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Delicatessen places serve kosher food. And if you are talking about 'deli' food, it is usually kosher. _______ Delis are only kosher if they're kosher certified. Most delis aren't kosher.

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Frog legs are not considered kosher food.

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Yes it is kosher

How does kosher food taste?

Cleaner and healthier than non-kosher food.

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Kosher food is a part of the Judaic faith.

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Kosher food (i.e. food which meets the Jewish dietary laws) may include kosher bread. Challah and bagels are two examples, but any style of bread can be kosher as long as all the ingredients are kosher, and none of the utensils were used for non-kosher food.