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Methane is a highly explosive gas. If cigarettes gave off any significant amount of methane, they would explode! The amount in cigarette smoke is of the same order as that in the Earth's atmosphere (0.000179%) which, as cigarette smoke is mainly "fresh air", is probably the source of most of it in cigarette smoke.

The health hazard of methane is not its toxicity but, when there is sufficient of it in the air we breathe (over 20%), not enough oxygen reaches the lungs and we can suffocate.

Methane is also produced by bacteria in animals' (including humans') instestines which results in "flatulence" (to use the medical term!). You are more likely to suffocate in a field of "flatulent" cows than by breathing in cigarette smoke.

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Q: How is methane bad for your body when smocking cigarettes?
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Tar is very bad for you and your lungs. it is inside cigarettes and smoking is very bad for your lungs (turns them black).

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How methane is bad for us?

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How much is a pack of cigarettes in California?

You shouldn't buy cigarettes. They give you lung cancer. Cigarettes are BAD, BAD, BAD!! ...Yes Cigarettes are bad, but they didn't ask you that did they? Individual packs in California cost around $4.00 (+/-) and Cartons are about $40.00-$50.00 (+/-)