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She offered several prayers as penance for her sins.

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Q: How is penance used in a sentence?
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A sentence with the word penance?

Penance is a religious discipline.

Can you use the word penance in a sentence?

Penance is a noun. Penance is a religious discipline. I'll chalk up this drudgery as penance.

How do you use penance in a sentence?

My priest said I must do penance for starving my canary.

How do you use the word shrift in a sentence?

Have you got leave to go to shrift today? used as a noun. the imposition of penance by a priest on a penitent after confession.

What is a sentence with the word absolve?

Can you absolve me, father?Penance will absolve your sins.

Are prayers used in penance?

Yes prayers are used inpenance.

What instruments were used to inflict pain as a penance in the early Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo instruments were ever used to inflict pain as a penance in the early Church or today.

Sentence for penance?

James was contrite, promising to "not smoke cigarettes" so he would improve his health. The company was very contrite when they found out I lost my mother. Contrite means feelings of sorrow or regret.

What is a garment of penance?

A garment of penance is a piece of clothing worn as an act of penitence or sorrow for one's sins. It is often made of rough material like sackcloth and is used in some religious traditions as a physical symbol of repentance and humility.

What liturgical color symbolizes penance?

Purple is the liturgical color that symbolizes penance in the Christian tradition. It is often used during Lent, a season of reflection, repentance, and preparation for Easter.

Is penalty the synonym for punishment?

Yes, penalty is a synonym for punishment. It refers to the consequence or punishment imposed for breaking a rule, law, or regulation.

Is shriven old English?

Yes, it is the past tense of shrive. Which was used mainly by priests , as to impose penance after confession, or to give absolution to penitent person. Now we just say penance.