

How is specific heat related to water?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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The specific heat of water at 20 0C and 100 kPa is 4,1818 J/gK.

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Q: How is specific heat related to water?
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How is specific heat related to thermal heat?

specific heat is the amount of thermal energy needed to raise the temperature of an object. for example, the water on the beach and the sand on the shore are absorbing the same amount of thermal energy from the sun but the water (which has high specific heat) is cold, and the sand (with low specific heat) is very hot.

How is specific heat related to thermal energy?

specific heat is the amount of thermal energy needed to raise the temperature of an object. for example, the water on the beach and the sand on the shore are absorbing the same amount of thermal energy from the sun but the water (which has high specific heat) is cold, and the sand (with low specific heat) is very hot.

How can the specific heat of water be used to determine the specific heat of an object?

If you know the temperature and mass of an object, and the temperature, mass, and specific heat of the water, if you dunk the object in the water, and measure the temperature of the water and the object (once the object and water have the same temperature), using reasoning skills and/or equations you can figure out the specific heat of the object. Historically the specific heat was related to SH of water . Water being 1 That now is seen as archaic. The specific heat (of a substance) is the amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius. This does not apply if a phase change is encountered. Every substance has to be measured separately .

What has higher specific heat water or lead?

Water has much higher specific heat than lead. All metals have fairly low specific heat values.

What is the specific heat value for water?

The specific heat value for water is 4.18 J/goC.

Water has a relatively low specific heat?

The specific heat of water is high. An example of an object with low specific heat would be a metal pan. Since specific heat is the energy needed to raise 1g of something 1 degree Celsius, water would have a high specific heat.

What is the expression and value for specific heat of water?

Specific heat of water is 1 calory per gram .

Which has a greater specific heat capacity - water or sand?

Water has a greater specific heat.

Does hydrogen or water has high specific heat capacity?

Water has a MUCH higher specific heat than hydrogen.

How are specific heat of water and ice the same?

That is how specific heat is defined. When you measure something you have to measure it relative to some point of reference. In specific heat it was agreed upon that water was to be the standard and its specific heat would be one. Therefore everything else is measured relative to water.

How are heat and specific heat related?

heat does not effect specific heat. for example if water has a high specific heat, a change in heat wont effect its specific heat.P.S if you don't like my answer, please improve it.I like people who are honest.Heat is a form of energy. Heat either changes the state of matter from solid to liquid to gas OR it changes the temperature.Specific heat (also called specific heat capacity) is the amount of heat that a substance (like water) absorbs when exactly one gram of that substance is heated so that its temperature increases by one degree Celsius. The specific heat relates three quantities: the heat applied, the temperature change, and the mass of the object.An amount of heat may be 100 calories.The specific heat capacity allows us to calculate the temperature change for a quantity of a substance to which that heat is applied.Since the specific heat of water is 1 calorie per gram degree Celsius if 100 calories is applied to 50 grams of water then the temperature only changes 2 degrees Celsius.

Most specific heat capacities are found by combining a substance with another with a known specific heat usually water. But How do chemists know the specific heat capacity of water in the first place?

Examples of specific heat1.people eat their hobos at a specific heat at 901 degree