

How is speed taken?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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13y ago

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you take the drug by either snorting with your nose or can be swallowed as a tablet. docter also can give it to you to help but can be addictive and you can overdose. see Michael Jackson for more information.

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Q: How is speed taken?
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Speed equals what?

Total distance covered divided by the time taken to do so.

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retardation is nothing but the decrease in speed. so if the increase in speed can be taken as positive then for sure decrease in speed can be taken as negative acceleration.

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Its taken by chicken lots of chicken xd

How the drug speed is taken?

It can be swallowed or snorted

What is the formula in findingt the value of speed?

average speed = distance travelled/time taken

What indicates how far a car has traveled?

The Speed of the car multiplied by the time taken at the speed

What is the meaning of formula for average speed?

It is: Average speed = Distance travelled/Time taken

What is speed what are the Si base units?

m/sThe definition of speed it the time taken to cover a distance.The SI derived unit for speed is metres per second.we know , speed =distance /time .it means distance in m and time is taken in sec.and ratio is taken , which forms speed kin m /s.