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DNA "fingerprinting" actually has nothing to do with fingerprints. Since fingerprints have been used in American courts since the Jennings case in 1911, maybe they used the term "DNA fingerprint" to help people grasp the concept of comparing two samples side by side, trying to find similarities and differences between them.

Fingerprints are actually more unique than DNA. Identical twins (and other identical multiples) have identical DNA but different fingerprints. Every finger is different than every other finger in the entire world - including the other fingers on the same hand.

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Q: How is the DNA fingerprint different from the other fingerprints?
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Why is DNA sometimes called the fingerprint inside your body?

because everyone has different DNA and different fingerprints.

What are two different uses of DNA fingerprint?

The DNA fingerprint is used in many fields. DNA fingerprints are commonly used in forensic science. Also, the Human Genome Project utilized DNA fingerprints to map the entire human genome.

When comparing the DNA fingerprints of a parent and child the parent's DNA fingerprint must have?

DNA bands that match those in the child's fingerprint and that aren't from the other parent.

What effect does heredity have on fingerprint characteristics?

DNA does not affect fingerprints. Identical twins- people with the exact same DNA- have different fingerprints. Fingerprints (and toe, lip, or any other -print your body has) form in the womb at random.

How is DNA fingerprinting biotechnology?

You use computers to scan fingerprints, and computers is technology. This technology is biotechnology, because everyone has different fingerprints, and it depends on his or her genes for the exact form that the fingerprint takes.

Do children's fingerprint have the same DNA as adults?

Fingerprints don't have DNA... a fingerprint is simply the imprint of the ridges on the skin of the finger. Cells contain DNA, and your genetic code (DNA) stays the same throughout your life, it does not change when you become an adult.

What method is used to make DNA fingerprints?

A method known as RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) analysis can be used to make a DNA fingerprint.

How does a blood test connect two siblings with a the same mother?

A DNA sample is extracted from a swab taken from the mouth of each sibling. The resultant DNA 'fingerprints' are compared to a sample fingerprint of the mother's DNA. They should contain half the DNA fingerprint of the birth mother.

Is a fingerprint better than DNA?

Both identify a person, the DNA more conclusively because fingerprints are often smeared or partials. A fingerprint has one advantage over DNA if it can be classified as where and when it was made, which can establish a person's presence in a given circumstance. For example, if a fingerprint is in the blood on a weapon, it could only have been made after the blood was there.

DNA fingerprints used as evidence in a murder trial look something like supermarket bar codes The pattern of bars in a DNA fingerprint shows?

The presence of various-sized fragments of DNA

Do people have different DNA fingerprints?

Yes, ofcourse!

How do experts use DNA fingerprinting to analyze evidence in crimes?

There are three types of prints on fingers. The whorl, arch and loop. These three can make up fingerprints of people.