

Is a fingerprint better than DNA?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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11y ago

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Both identify a person, the DNA more conclusively because fingerprints are often smeared or partials. A fingerprint has one advantage over DNA if it can be classified as where and when it was made, which can establish a person's presence in a given circumstance. For example, if a fingerprint is in the blood on a weapon, it could only have been made after the blood was there.

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Q: Is a fingerprint better than DNA?
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A pattern of bands made up of specific DNA fragments is a?

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Selected fragments are used to produce a DNA fingerprint.

What does DNA fingerprint shows?

A DNA fingerprint refers to the fact that a person's DNA code is as unique to that person as his/her fingerprint. A person can be implicated for a crime or ruled out as the criminal based on his/her DNA code.

What is a DNA fingerprint who can have the same DNA fingerprint as yours?

A DNA fingerprint is really all the genes that are found in in your chromosomes. No two are ever alike except for identical twins (or triplets).

Why is DNA fingerprint more conclusive when proving a person's innocence rather than their guilt?

ANS1:Because it is technically possible for more than one person to have a similar DNA fingerprint, but it is impossible for someone to have their DNA fingerprint change. So if your fingerprint is:XXYYXYXAnd the guilty persons DNA is:XXXXYYYIt is impossible for you to be the guilty person. But, it is possible that my DNA fingerprint is also XXXXYYY - so please don't commit any crimes near my house or I might get nailed for it.ANS2:DNA fingerprinting always has a margin of error. The error can introduce reasonable doubt. Guilt in a capital case must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

Why is it easier to establish innocence than it is to establish guilt in DNA?

ANS1:Because it is technically possible for more than one person to have a similar DNA fingerprint, but it is impossible for someone to have their DNA fingerprint change. So if your fingerprint is:XXYYXYXAnd the guilty persons DNA is:XXXXYYYIt is impossible for you to be the guilty person. But, it is possible that my DNA fingerprint is also XXXXYYY - so please don't commit any crimes near my house or I might get nailed for it.ANS2:DNA fingerprinting always has a margin of error. The error can introduce reasonable doubt. Guilt in a capital case must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

When comparing the DNA fingerprints of a parent and child the parent's DNA fingerprint must have?

DNA bands that match those in the child's fingerprint and that aren't from the other parent.

Can DNA be taken from a fingerprint?


What is DNA fingerprint for?

genetics purpose and porn

How do you make DNA fingerprint?

gel electrophoresis