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About 85 percent of the people he tested had this protein, and about 15 percent lacked it. Like the A, B, AB, and O blood types, the presence of Rh factor is determined by a marker on the red blood cell. If your blood type is Rh positive, you have the Rh marker. If your blood type is Rh negative, you lack the marker on your cells. If you are Rh negative and ever received Rh positive blood, you would develop Rh clumping proteins in your plasma. This situation is potentially dangerous.

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Q: How is the Rh factor of blood cells important?
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Each person's blood is one of four major types: A, B, AB, or O. Blood types are determined by the types of antigens on the blood cells. Antigens are proteins on the surface of blood cells that can cause a response from the immune system. The Rh factor is a type of protein on the surface of red blood cells. Most people who have the Rh factor are Rh-positive. Those who do not have the Rh factor are Rh-negative

How was the rh factor named?

it is the inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells

What is Rh?

Rhesus (Rh) factor is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells. If your blood has the protein, you're Rh positive. If your blood lacks the protein, you're Rh negative. Rh positive is the most common blood type.

Why is the Rh factor especially important with a transfusion?

In all the four basic blood groups there exist two sub-groups called Rh (+ve) and Rh (-ve). The people with the Rh (+ve) blood group have an additional "Rh" facto or the "Rhesus" factor (so named because it was first observed and discovered in the Rhesus monkeys). Whereas the people who do not have the 'Rh' factor are said to have Rh (-ve) blood as in B (-ve) etc. While blood transfusion it is very important to check the "Rh-compatibility" of blood of the donor and that of the recipient, because transfusion of Rh +ve blood to a person with anegative blood group leads to agglutination(clumping) of blood cells thus resulting in death of the person. But it must be noted that transfusion of Rh -ve blood to a person with positive blood group does not harm the recipient.

Why is the Rh factor important with a pregnancy?

if you are RH negative you need a shot to prevent your body from attacking your baby Re: If a woman is Rh negative, and she has a baby which is Rh positive, there will be no problem with the first pregnancy. But, due to some mixing of blood in the birthing process, the mother's blood will be exposed to the Rh antigens present on the baby's red blood cells. The mother's body will develop antibodies to the Rh factor after this, since it has recognized it as a foreign microbe. Then, if the mother has another baby that is Rh positive, the mother's antibodies may attack the babv's blood cells, causing agglutination of the baby's blood.

Do only women have to be concerned with the Rh factor?

No, both men and women should be concerned with the Rh factor. The Rh factor is a protein found on red blood cells, and it can cause complications during pregnancy if a woman is Rh-negative and her partner is Rh-positive. It is important for both partners to be aware of their Rh status to prevent such complications.

Can Rh negative patient receive Rh positive plasma?

A Rh negative patient cannot receive Rh positive blood as it will cause a antibody reaction to the donor plasma, but a Rh positive patient can receive Rh negative blood as the donor blood lacks the Rh antibody component. PS the Rh factor is present on Red blood cells and not in Plasma

What is the Rh blood group named after?

I think Rh is not a blood group. Rh stands for a factor and derived its name from factor found in the blood of Rhesus monkey.

What can cause red blood cells to be spiky?

Antigens, which are caused by the RH factor, that determine if you have negative or positive type blood.

Having which protein in blood we called RH factor is positive?

Having the Rh antigen protein in blood makes you RH factor positive.

What is the difference between negative and positive blood type A?

The Rhesus factor, also known as the Rh factor, is an antigen that exists on the surface of red blood cells. People who have the Rhesus factor are considered to have a positive blood type. Those who don't have the antigen are considered to have a negative blood type.

Difference Between blood group A plus ve and A-ve?

Rh factor or rehsus factor is also involved in blood groups. either a person is Rh+ or Rh- if u are A+ then u have blood group A and you are Rh+ if you are A- then you have blood group A and you are Rh-