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It has to be noted that the concept of verism emerged after the Romans. The Roman sculpture of the republican period, particularity portraiture (busts), which is often described as "warts and all," is a prime example of verism. It usually portrayed older men whose marks of age wrinkles, warts, creases, furrows, moles, scars and other features of imperfection were acutely depicted. This would be left out in Greek art. It portrayed these men as themselves, as their real image. These imperfections were used to show the individual as he was and to produce an image of individuality and of older age. They were usually busts statesmen, military commanders and heads of family, who usually were older men, , and which reflected the gerontocratic character of Roman republican society, where high office and power were in the hands of older men. The marks of age represented the experience and wisdom which are associated with older age. Their seniority also represented men who dedicated their lives to the good of the public and/or the family and public office. The imperfections also represented having endured the strain of fighting in battle or of enduring the burden of service to the public. Thus, these veristic portraits celebrated their higher status in society.

It also has to be noted that verism is a form of realism that it does not exclude idealism. It can be a hyperreal style which contains idealistic element. It can be an illusion of reality. These busts, had an idealistic element and were probably exaggerated. There is a scholarly debate as to whether these busts bluntly depict actual features or whether the imperfections are exaggerated. The imperfections were reflections of the fact that age was highly valued and associated with power and representations of Republican ideals. The subjects were represented as rugged and unconcerned with vanity, which reflected the ideals of the Republican aristocracy which liked to see the Romans as humble, hardy and upright farmers devoted to hard work and duty to the state and the public, rather than vanity and greed. They indicated civic virtue. Besides the sign of imperfection, the portraits were created in a way which gave an image of the virtues which the Romans valued, such as dignitas, integtitas, gravitas, auctoritas, severitas, disciplinas, firmitas and frugalitas. In some of these portraits the subject has a gaze which give an awe-inspiring sense of sternness and authority. Verism can seems so realistic that it can create the illusion of being real and idealism can be configured in this image or realness. These busts can be so realistic that they make you feel like touching them because they look too close to real.

With rule by emperor Roman sculpture switched to full body statues in the Hellenistic style which portrayed rulers in an idealized form and as youthful in order to idealize and glorify the emperors.

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Q: How is the concept of verism reflected in multiple types of Roman art?
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Which is least important in Ottonian art as seen in Christ washing the feet of His disciples?

Roman Verism Verism is a style in which artists concern themselves with capturing the exterior likeness of an object or person, usually by rendering its visible details in a finely executed, meticulous manner. (Art: A Brief History for Full Sail University, 4th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions p. 611).

How did roman culture reflect law?

A major way in which Roman culture was reflected in Roman law was the fact that it was based on mos maiorum, ancestral customs.

What group of people invented the portrait sculpture style known as verism?

Verism was often used by the Romans in marble sculptures of heads. Verism, often described as "warts and all", shows the imperfections of the subject, such as warts, wrinkles and furrows. It zeroes in on the minuscule details of the human head. Although the marble heads themselves came from the Greeks, this style is extremely different from Greek head sculptures because the Greek would idealize the subject, and liken the subject to a god. The Veristic style was favored in the late Republican period. It has been noted that veristic Roman sculptures were generally credited to a Greek or someone of Eastern background, and argued that this suggests the veristic style is of Greek origin.

What is the mirror used by Archimedes to set fire on roman fleet?

According to legend: The warriors were instructed to polish their bronze shields and aim the reflected sunlight from the shields at the ships.

The citizens of conquered lands typically became Roman what?

The peoples of the conquered territories became the inhabitants of the provinces of the Roman Empire. Many of them were not citizens because they did not have the concept of citizenship. From 212 BC they became Roman citizens because the emperor Caracalla extended Roman citizens to all free men in the empire.

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Which is least important in Ottonian art as seen in Christ washing the feet of His disciples?

Roman Verism Verism is a style in which artists concern themselves with capturing the exterior likeness of an object or person, usually by rendering its visible details in a finely executed, meticulous manner. (Art: A Brief History for Full Sail University, 4th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions p. 611).

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Verism was often used by the Romans in marble sculptures of heads. Verism, often described as "warts and all", shows the imperfections of the subject, such as warts, wrinkles and furrows. It zeroes in on the minuscule details of the human head. Although the marble heads themselves came from the Greeks, this style is extremely different from Greek head sculptures because the Greek would idealize the subject, and liken the subject to a god. The Veristic style was favored in the late Republican period. It has been noted that veristic Roman sculptures were generally credited to a Greek or someone of Eastern background, and argued that this suggests the veristic style is of Greek origin.

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