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Q: How is the egg not a good model of the earth?
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What is the difference between the earth's crust and the shell of an egg?

Earths crust is thicker and there is on more layer on earth than there is in an egg though so an egg wouldnt be a good model or so for the world we know as Earth.

Why is an egg a good model for the earth's interior?

Because the egg has a hard outside, (the crust) that breaks (the plates) and a gooey (magma) interior (mantle,core).

Would be the best model of the earths layers?

The egg is like a model of the layers of the Earth. (see layers of the ... The egg shell will represent the thin outer layer of the Earth called the crust.

What part of the egg model represented the crust?

The outermost layer of the egg model represents the crust.

Why is a hard boiled egg a bad model of the Earth's tectonic plates?


How do the parts of yours model compare to the actual parts of the earth?

the part of egg/fruit is similar the part of earth

Is hard boiled egg a good model of the earths different zones?

Yes it is a good model for the earths dfferent zones

Why is the globe a good model of the earth?

The globe is a good model of the Earth because, it shows the polar and equatorial diameter. It shows all the continents and their latitudes and longitudes as well. And, it is tilted like the Earth on its axis. Physical globes can also have raised topography to somewhat indicate the elevations of the land surfaces around the world.

What part of a hard boiled egg used to model Earths structure?

The parts of a hard- boiled are used to model Earth' s structure because of the eggshells when you crack them.

Is a cracked egg a useful model for the earth's layers?

yes, because it can show the tectonic plates when you push the egg together and when you pull it apart you can see where all the valleys and rivers would be.

Which of earths layer would be best modeled as a metallic sphere?

The core.

Why is a hard-boiled egg a good model for an animal Cell?

because it has a yolk which looks like a nucleus and a cell membrane and the egg part is like the cytoplasm.