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Strong protein strands called chalaza are attached to both sides of the yolk. Chalaza holds the yolk centered within the albumen (egg white).

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Q: How is the embryo of the bird kept in its place?
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How is the embryo kept in its place?

The human embryo is implanted into the wall of the uterus.

How is the embryo kept in its place in chicken?


How is embryo kept in its place?

The embryo which is firstly a blastocyst is implanted snuggly into the uterus wall and remains and kept in place there for 9 months. The uterus wall is made up of blood, that is normally shed when a woman does not become pregnant, that explains the absense of a period when a woman is pregnant.

Place for keeping birds?

A bird is kept in an aviary also called a cage or bird cage.

What do we call a place where birds are kept?

A bird can live in a bird box or a burrow underground.

Where is a bird's embryo develop and grow?

The bird embryo develops inside the protective shell of the egg, using the egg yolk as a source of energy and materials from which it will develop.

How do bird eggs develop and grow within the mother bird prior to her laying them?

There is an embryo within the bird's reproductive track. This embryo eventually receives a tough calcium shell that hardens just before the bird is ready to lay the egg.

How do bird eggs develop and grow within the mother bird prior to her laying them!?

There is an embryo within the bird's reproductive track. This embryo eventually receives a tough calcium shell that hardens just before the bird is ready to lay the egg.

How does a developing bird embryo get food and oxygeon?

it is a penguin in which lives in Antarctica

How long does it take for a bird's embryo to process?

It takes about one day.

How are baby birds made in the eggshell?

Initial development of the egg, including the embryo, begins inside the mother bird after she mates with a male. The embryo, yolk, and shell initially form together. After the egg is laid the bird embryo continues to grow, drawing the nutrients it needs from the yolk.

Can a baby bird be released when it's an adult if its been hand raised?

yes, it can it just needs to be kept in a warm place