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Both processes product two new identical daughter cells.

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Q: How is the end product of meiosis like the end product of binary fission?
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What do you call the process of cell division in bacteria?

Binary fission. The bacterial cell replicates its DNA. Then the plasma membrane grows, separating the two daughter-chromosomes, and the membrane folds inward, splitting the cell in a manner that is superficially like the cytokinesis of an animal cell.

What is the process of binary fission in leshimenia?

The process of binary fusion in leshimenia begin with the the flagella. Leshimenia has a whip like tail on one end which aids in the fission.

What is the advantage of meiosis over binary fission?

the benefit of meiosis is that there is genetic recombination hence, helps in variation of characters .that is the reason why children are SIMILAR to their parents but DO NOT look like them completely.

What organisms that reproduce by binary fission?

Prokayotes reproduce themselves by means of binary fission. It can be said that the members of monera mainly divide by binary fission. For example: Bacteria, Cyanobacteria (BGA), or Mycoplasma. Some unicellular eukaryotes like Paramecium, Euglina (protozoan), Diatoms (golden algae) and schizosaccharamycetes (lower fungi) also reproduce by binary fission.

What are three organisms that use binary fission?

They are: 1. Tapeworm 2. Jellyfish 3. Bacteria 4. Amoeba Yeast doesn't use binary fission, it uses budding

Multicellular organisms reproduce by binary fission?

This statement is not correct. Binary fission is a form of asexual reproduction typically seen in single-celled organisms like bacteria. Multicellular organisms reproduce through sexual or asexual reproduction methods such as spore formation, budding, or by producing seeds or eggs.

What is bianarry fission?

Binary fission is a method of asexual reproduction in which an organism splits into two. It is found in bacteria and other single-celled organisms eg protozoa.

Which is a the result of binary fission?

Binary fission is a form of asexual reproduction which is used by all prokaryotic organisms, and some eukaryotic organisms like fungi as well. In addition to being used to duplicate whole organisms, binary fission is also utilized within the cells of eukaryotic organisms by some of the organelles. In this process, two daughter cells are produced by a single parent cell which effectively clones itself.

How does H Pylori reproduce?

Probably via binary fission like everything else.

Why prokaryotic cells do not undergo proper mitosis?

because the undergo binary fission, as they have no cell membrane bounded structures or nucleus.

How does binary fission differ from meiosis?

Mitosis is the division of the nucleus into two daughter nuclei. Binary fission is the dividing of a cell into two cells. Either a prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell can do it.Binary fission is asexual reproduction for prokaryotes whereby a cell duplicates its chromosomes and then splits into two identical cells (each with one copy). Mitosis is essentially the same thing for eukaryotes except that there is an extra step because the nucleus needs to divide too. Mitosis is just the division (essentially, binary fission) of a cell's nucleus. Cytokinesis is the final step, when the cell itself divides into two new eukaryotic cells (each with one nucleus).The essential difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that prokaryotes lack membrane bound organelles. Additionally, they do not have the mitotic apparatus [mitotic spindle, centrioles, centromeres, kinetochores).Chromosomal replication in binary fission does not involve sister chromatids. Still, the replicated chromosomes must be separated. This is accomplished via the cell membrane as opposed to the mitotic spindle apparatus.Mitosis copy chorosomes and binary fission copy DNA.

A protozoan that divides to form two daughter cells just like itself would be undergoing .?

that would be binary fission....... resource: from my test :)