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The guard cells of the stomata have greater osmotic pressure due to loss of water. Thus, by way of osmosis this loss is compansated continuously from the surrounding cells of the stomata.

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Q: How is the lost water in stomata replaced?
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What is lost through the stomata?


What is it when water vapor is lost through stomata?

transpiration :)

Will the stomata of a wilted plant be open or closed?

it is closed so no further water can be lost

What does a porometer measure?

a porometer measures the water that is lost or dispersed from the leaf's stomata, which is on the underside of the leaf

Which part of the leaf enables transpiration to take place?

stomata facilitate transpiration and thick cuticle does not allow it to happen

Why do you think stomata shut at night?

To stop water loss from the plant. In the day light photosynthesis is taking place and carbon dioxide needs to be admitted into the stomata for this process. At night, no light, so plants, who lose water all day long, as it is replaced by the roots, shut the no longer needed stomata to conserve water.

What is transpiration of a plant?

It is a process similar to evaporation. A part of the water cycle in which water is lost through the stomata. It is the equivalent of a human sweating.

How does the stomata density affect the water loss?

When open, the stomata can release water. The more dense or larger the stomata are, the more water they can release.

How is transpiration used to replace lost water?

The water lost from the plant's leaves is replaced by the water coming in from the plant's roots.

What kind of vapor can be lost from a leaf besides gases?

Though the stomata by a process called transpiration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Largely through stomata and in small amounts through cuticle of epidermal cells.

Shortage of water causes the stomata to?

Shortage of water causes the stomata to close.

Why is water loss in leaves of a plant unavoidable?

Because the Stomata on the underside of the leaf have to open (so stomata are turgid) to allow for the exchange of CO2 and O2 so photosynthesis can occur. As this process takes place water diffuses out of the stomata.