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Q: How is the world organized politically?
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What is the basic law of a politically organized body called?

The law of a politically organized body is called a constitution.

What is the basic law of a politically organized body?

The Constitution

What term refers to a community that is politically organized.?


An organized group of politically active persons who are trying to attain special goals?

A faction is an organized group of politically active persons who are trying to attain special goals.

What term refers to a community that's politically organized?


Is Bulgaria a unitary state?

Yes, Bulgaria is organized politically as a unitary state.

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What is the basic law of a politically organised body called?

The basic law of a politically organized body is called a constitution. This is based on common law and will have the values and polices of the political body.

What led to the creation of feudalism?

Their society soon became organized. Feudalism also benefited politically and economically

How did Darius you organized the Persian Empire politically?

Satraps ~ look to the related link below for further information .

What term means a community that is politically organized?

a dictatorship

How did organized labor and some women benefit economically and politically from the war effort?

sasquatchw as here and tylers dumb