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Q: How is this decision emblematic of your job as a manager?
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What does emblematic of the idyll mean?

emblematic of the country's history

Can manager avoid making decision?

Decision making is an essential part of being a manager in any industry. It would be impossible for a manger to not make a single decision while being a manager.

Decision making is the primary task of the manager Comment?

decision making is the primary task of the manager,comments?

Why is decision making often describe as the essence of manager's job?

A good manager will be required to make a decision to delegate a task at many points during the day. They will be responsible for managing their team and having the final say on any issues that are encountered, including negotiating with clients.

When a problem becomes apparent and the manager chooses to ignore it is he making a decision?

Yes, as manager he or she is making a decision and is responsible for the outcome.

Make a sentence with word emblematic?

That family crest is emblematic of their noble lineage.

What is the nature of a manager's job?

The nature of a manager's job is to negotiate with people.

Admin manager's job profile?

Job Profile of Manager Administration

Why is decision making often described as the essence of a manager's job?

because that's what managers do.... we get paid more to make hard decisions... even if they are unpopular

Why is decision-making often described as the essence of a manager job?

because that's what managers do.... we get paid more to make hard decisions... even if they are unpopular

How do you use the word emblematic in a sentence?

According to my dictionary, "emblematic" is serving as a visible symbol for something unseen, one example being "a crown is emblematic of royalty."

What does emblematic of the country idyll mean?

emblematic of the country's history