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Two magnets that are pointing in the same direction along side of each other will repel. They do this because their charges are the same. This is basically what electrons do because opposites attract and two charges that are the same will repel.

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Q: How is trying to place two bar magnets pointing in the same direction alongside each other is like trying to place two electrons into the same orbital?
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How does the arrangement of electrons in a magnet compare to metals that are not metallic?

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Why are magnets bipolar?

Magnets have two poles, a north pole and a south pole, because of the alignment of their electrons. The electrons in a magnet tend to align in the same direction, creating a magnetic field that has distinct north and south poles. This property is due to the presence of magnetic domains within the material, which align and create a bipolar magnet.

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There are very few non metallic materials that are magnetic or para-magnetic (attracted to magnets). The primary reason is that the outer electrons need to all spin or be able to spinn in the same direction. Only metals have appropriate electrons. That is why they are called metals.

who discovered how to make magnets?

one direction

Why aren't all atoms magnets?

While electrons behave like magnets, not all atoms are magnets. Electrons typically pair up with spins opposite each other making their fields cancel each other.

When atoms become magnets their what are properly arranged?

their electrons

When atoms become magnets what are properly arranged?

their electrons

Atoms become magnets when there?

electrons are properly arranged

How do magnet make things lose it's power or charge?

it's hard to explain but basically the magnets electrons have been made to point all one way by dragging a powerful magnet over the piece of metal in 1 direction. so eventually the magnets electrons start to go back to normally so therefore it wont be magnetic. hope this helps you :)

What are Compass magnets for?

Pointing north so you can find your way around woods, trails, ext.

Are there magnets in a compass?

Yes. The magnets help the pointer point to your direction because of the magnetic eaths inner core

When a compass pointing north will point in a different direction when placed near a piece of metal Which causes this to happen?

The needle in compasses is magnetic and is drawn to the Earth's magneticism in the North. When the needle is placed near a metal, as all magnets are, attracted to metals.