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About 6-8 inches long.

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Q: How large is a dwarf lantern shark?
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Related questions

What does a dwarf lantern shark weigh?

An adult Dwarf lantern shark weighs only 1/2 of an ounce!

What water does a dwarf lantern shark swim in?

it swims in deep water

Is smallest shark is the cookie cutter?

The smallest known shark, the dwarf lantern shark, is only about 8 inches long. Even so, this little fish has a full set of tiny teeth, the smallest shark teeth there are.

How do lanterns sharks catch there preys?

Dwarf lantern sharks use their stomach, which the fish is able to light up, to attract prey. This is how this shark got its name; 'dwarf', for its size, and 'lantern' for its stomach.

What sharks do not eat meat?

The basking and the whale shark do not eat any meat as well as the dwarf lantern shark.

What is a small shark?

The lantern shark

How many specis of sharks are there?

there are 510 species of sharks alive today like the largest shark which is the whale shark today not the megalodon because the megalodon is extinct and the smallest shark which is the dwarf lantern shark which is the size of a banana.

How big is the dwarf shark?

The dwarf shark is about the size of your hand.

What is a sharks height?

Sharks come in all different sizes, ranging from the dwarf lantern shark which fits in the palm of your hand, to the whale shark (cleverly named) which can be upwards of 40 or 50 feet. But don't worry, it doesn't attack humans. :)

Can you buy a dwarf lantern shark?

check if u can find the answer in here:

How do dwarf lantern sharks reproduce?

They give live birth, or viviparous

Which would win me or a lantern shark?

The shark, unless you can take on hundreds of pounds of raw, underwater power.