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conditioning is very low form of learning

u can compare it with subconscious training

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Q: How learning differs from conditioning as a learning process?
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Essentially classical conditioning is a process of learning an between two stimuli?


The process that creates changes in behavior is called?

Learning- modification especially through experience or conditioning.

Which process of behavior involves a person learning to associate a desired behavior with a previously unrelated stimulus?


What are the Disadvantages of classical conditioning?

Some disadvantages of classical conditioning include the potential for creating negative associations or phobias, the reliance on external stimuli to trigger responses, and the limited applicability to complex human behaviors. Additionally, classical conditioning may not account for individual differences in learning and behavior.

Animals can be trained to perform tricks through a learning process called conditioning?

Yes, Classical/Pavlovian Conditioning or Operant conditioning. However there are boundary conditions and biological constraints that limit the "tricks" - they cannot go against instinctive behaviors.

Not established by conditioning or learning?


What is aversive learning?

Aversive learning is a type of conditioning in which an individual learns to avoid or escape from an aversive stimulus, such as pain or punishment. This type of learning helps organisms adapt to their environment by avoiding harmful situations. Classical conditioning and operant conditioning are two common forms of aversive learning.

How you learn?

Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of experienceNow there are two types of learning: Classical conditioning and Operant Conditioning.Classical conditioning: Learning through repeated association of two (or more) stimuli••Learning is said to have occurred when a particular stimulus consistently produces a response, that it did not produce earlier (prior to conditioning)Operant Conditioning:•A learning process in which the consequences which follow a response determine whether the behaviour will be repeatedTrial and error learning:Describes an organism's attempts to learn/solve a problem by trying alternative possibilities until a correct solution or desirable outcome is achievedLearning is not dependent on: reflexes, fixed-action patterns and maturation.

How did Ivan Pavlov contribute to the study of learning and conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov pioneered the study of learning. He is especially famous for his work and animal experiments about classical conditioning.

What is the definition of water conditioning?

Water conditioning counteracts the hardness in water to prevent a build up of limescale. It differs from water softening in that softening removes minerals from the water, whereas conditioning doesn't.

What is the word that means not established by conditioning or learning?


What is a behavioral technique in which gradual exposure to an anxiety-producing stimulus is paired with relaxation to extinguish the response of anxiety?

This is a process of extinction through classical conditioning and operant learning