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Our Maltese had pancreatitis after eating a whole bag of Chicken Jerky treats. We were visiting friends who feed these to their dog. It was a very scary situation!!! I would have to say it took about a month before she was completely well. We took her to Texas A&M Veterinary Medicine Clinic where they ran tests and gave her Intravenous fluids. She had bloody stools for approx. 12 days or so. Much to my surprise the Vet sent her home while this was still occurring. She was very lethargic and we thought we were going to lose her. The Vet wasn't very reassuring about her condition. I was never informed on how long or if ever she would return to normal. I took her to our local vet and he gave me Science Diet Prescription I/D canned food to mix with another S.D. Prescription dog food (can't remember which one it was). Along with that he gave us a tube of Pro-biotic that I administered by putting a small amount on my finger into her mouth once a day. I believe he also gave her an injection to stimulate her appetite. I fed her the food in small amounts several times throughout the day. We took it one day at a time!!! One day might be good and the next day would be horrible. Slowly she started having more good days than bad, but it was a slow process. Be patient and pay close attention to how much diarrhea your animal has because they may become dehydrated. I literally did not leave my dogs side for at least a week! This happened September 2009, as of right now she is a beautiful, healthy and wonderful little dog and I'm so happy I was patient and persistent in helping her get healed.

Good luck!

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Q: How lond does it take a dog to recover from pancreatitis?
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