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As soon as reasonably possible, if its late or you're in a hurry when you notice it, you can go to the police station the next day. They'll usually just give you a piece of paper to fill out for the report. If you know who did it, you need to get their information right away though.

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Q: How long after someone damages your car driving it do you have to report it?
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Depends on where it happens. In California, the vehicle can be forfeited (as in taken forever) if the person driving it has a prior for driving without a license.

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WikiAnswers is glad to help you -- first, we need to know what exactly you're having trouble with.We will not do the report for you, but we will help you learn how to do a report for yourself. Ask a specific question, and so long as it isn't asking for a "cheat," someone will answer it.

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Yes. As long as you have enough proof to convince a judge then you can sue for damages. You should consult with an attorney or inquire at small claims court if the damages are not over the limit in your jurisdiction.Yes. As long as you have enough proof to convince a judge then you can sue for damages. You should consult with an attorney or inquire at small claims court if the damages are not over the limit in your jurisdiction.Yes. As long as you have enough proof to convince a judge then you can sue for damages. You should consult with an attorney or inquire at small claims court if the damages are not over the limit in your jurisdiction.Yes. As long as you have enough proof to convince a judge then you can sue for damages. You should consult with an attorney or inquire at small claims court if the damages are not over the limit in your jurisdiction.

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I hope you got a police report. If not call the PD and ask them if it's too late to file a report, some will do one weeks after as long as both parties agree it occurred. Second, appeal to your insurance company to file the claim under uninsured motorist insurance (you SHOULD have it). If all else fails, all you can do is go to small claims court.