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Q: How long are baby sharks at birth?
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How many babies dose a white shark have?

Great White Sharks give birth to baby sharks, other wise known as pups, 2-14 but up to 5 feet long.

How long are baby great white sharks?

1.3 meters long

Do basking sharks lay eggs or give live birth?

Yes. They can lay a lot at a time. They will lay about 20 babies.

How big are baby sharks when they are first born?

Baby sharks can be from 1.5 feet to 3 feet long and weigh up to 70 lbs

What are baby sharks called?

Baby sharks are called pups

What are sharks offsprings like?

Sharks don't lay eggs, they give birth just like mammals. So, their offspring is baby sharks just like mom but much smaller.

What age do baby sharks leave their mother?

Baby sharks are on their own from the moment of birth.

When a great white shark has a baby is a egg or not in a egg?

Great White sharks birth live young.

What age do babies leave their mother?

most baby sharks are left at birth . so they can fend for themselves

Do sharks have baby?

Yes, some lay eggs and others are mammals. But, the mother does not care for the baby, it must survive off instinct and the only thing that a mother gives its baby is the chance to swim away before its tempted to eat it.

How do bull sharks raise their babies?

Great White Sharks provide no parental care except to train the pups to swim fast by eating the slow ones.ANS2:The great white shark mother does not care for her young. they swim away right after birth ANS3:No, sharks lay eggs which into hatch miniature baby sharks which then fend for themselves. ANS4:They are fully independent at birth, and received no maternal care.

What do baby sharks feed on?

When the baby sharks are still in their purses there will be nutrients inside to feed themand some of the sharks will eat their siblings that are smaller than themselves. When the purse breaks open the newborn sharks must fend for themselves since their mothers might eat them, baby sharks will eat anything they can find without being eaten.