

Best Answer

Howrse Answer: One Hour

You should always leave an hour minimum before riding your horse after he is fed. After riding him he will need time to cool down. In most cases this is also an hour.

Improved answer-

There is NO hard and fast rule for this question. it depends upon a lot of different factors. How much grain is the horse getting a day- if it is a pound or less- just don't give it to the horse until it is cooled out after a HARD (I mean all LATHERED up kind of work out). It depends on the kind of riding you do-- if it is mostly trail riding at a walk and a jog- your horse is probably not getting a lot of grain anyways so the above rule stands.

The opposite extreme is the race horse, competitive trail or endurance horse, high energy show horse that is a 'real' athlete- this horse may actually be on what is called "full feed' or free choice feed. While in his stall he has free choice to high protein high carbohydrates and fats grains and a high quality alfalfa hay. This horses system is used to consuming food when ever it feels like it, but to get to this point it was a gradual process of increasing the feed as the work increased until it reached the free choice state. These horses will be brought out of their stalls for grooming tacking up and a slow warm up before doing the hard work, when done they are cooled down, hosed or sponged off and tied up with a cooler on them in a corner opposite their feed until they are dry and then allowed back to the free choice situation.

If your horse falls in between the 2 extremes of the weekend plod along trail ride and the real athlete then take a middle of the 2 approach to feed.

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Q: How long before and after riding can you feed your horse sweet feed?
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Sweet feed, sweet feed, sweet feed

Should you give a horse oats before riding?

If you re doing work with the horse that requires him to use alot of energy for a large amount of time then yes maybe. It depends though on the weight of your horse already and what you horses temperment is like. Always remember if you are going to feed before riding, feed at least an hour before.

When riding a horse a night what should you take?

A flash light, horse feed, helmet, and horse tack.

Should you feed your horse straight after riding it?

In real life, feeding a horse directly after riding can result in colic. Since colic is a very serious disorder that can result in death, feeding right after riding is not recommended. Neither is giving too much water after riding.

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because it tastes sweet for dem they are vampires

What is sweet feed?

Feed dealers combined oats,corn, and barley, threw in salt and other minerals, bound the mixture together with molasses, and called the resulting product "sweet feed." thats sweet feed, and now it provides your horse with supplements, ex.

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if u and ur horse have been riding 4 a long time and u come back only offer it half a bucket of water then wait half an hour before u feed it hope this helped ya :)

How do I get my horse in shape?

A combination of increased exercise and decreased caloric intake. You can swap alfalfa hay for grass hay and reduce the amount of sweet feed you are providing. Also, slowly increasing the amount of work the horse is doing via lunging, riding or driving will also help.

Why is horse riding mainly for rich people?

It is not- however, it can be expensive to feed and care for a horse, and good tack (saddles, bridles, etc) is not cheap.

Can horses eat sweet feed?

There is no one amount that all horses should eat. A horse only needs sweet feed if it needs more energy to complete it's daily job. A horse should eat between 1.5% and 3% of it's own bodyweight daily and the vast majority of that should be forage such as hay or grass.

On howrse Which feed or grain provides a horse with the highest amount of energy?

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Is horse riding fair?

YES! Think about it, you feed them, water them, keep them safe, so in return they let you ride him!