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Q: How long can a Siamese fighting fish live out of water?
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True or false do Siamese fighting fish live in cold water?


How many Siamese fighting fish in the world?

No idea but I know that they live in fresh water and come from asia!

Do Siamese fighting fish live in fresh or salt water?

They need a 5+ Gallon tank and you can only have one in the same tank.

What animals live in stagnant water?

Some animals that live in stagnant water include Siamese fighting fish and walking catfish. Stagnant water is also a habitat for mosquito larvae.

Can Siamese fighting fish live in brackish water?

No, they are freshwater fish. They can tolerate up to 2 grams of salt per litre of water (2 teaspoons/gallon) but this should only be used for medicinal purposes. They should not be exposed to this much salt long term.

Can Siamese fighting fish live with angelfish?

Angelfish will likely pick and nip at fighting fish if put in the same aquarium.

Can Siamese fighting fish live in cold water?

These are tropical fish that like their water warm. Betta are best kept at 26 to 28 degrees Celsius.

What do Siamese tiger fish eat?

The Siamese Fighting Fish will eat any tropical fish food: flakes, pellets, live white worms, fresh water shrimps, etc. The males must be kept apart (different tanks and unable to see each other) otherwise, they will fight.

Can ram fish live with Siamese fighting fish male?

Provided you remember the 1 inch of fish to 1 gallon of water rule yes Betta splendens (Fighter) and Apistogramma ramirezi (Ram) will be OK together.

Where do Betta fish live in their natural environment?

Betta fish come from Thailand formally known as Siam aka Siamese Fighting Fish. They live in rice paddies feeding on mosquito larva.beta live in Asian places such as Thailand

What do ocean Siamese fighting fish eat?

Siamese fighting fish prefer water temperatures of 24-30 degrees Celsius, or 75-86 degrees Fahrenheit.80 degrees or so, they are tropical and live in rice patties through out Asia. They should have a heater in tank and not be kept in tiny glass bowl at least a 5gallon tank would be best with at least 3 femal bettas

Can algae eaters and Siamese fighting fish live together?

ya but some of them be together like guppy, sucker mouth catfish etc