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Q: How long can a cervical polyp grow inside the body?
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Where can you get polyp?

A polyp can grow on any mucous membrane. This includes the vocal cords, colon, stomach, uterus or nose.

What does coral need to grow?

Coral can grow between 30 and 60 feet tall.Sometimes it can be smaller or bigger !

Can watermelons really grow inside of your body?

You've got to be kidding.

Does coral grow on rocks?

It grows on the sea beds, but that kinda is a rock. If a coral polyp lands on a rock, I guess coral can grow there! =)

What does a coral polyp do at the beginning of its life?

in the case of a sexually produced polyp, it floats around, and then finds a place to grow, most will be killed, but those that aren't killed start to grow and split into new polyps, which in their early life are simply miniature versions of older polyps.

What if your body grows because your cells do what?

Yes, [animal] cells can grow in your body. In fact, they are growing and reproducing all the time.Different types of cells can range from:Bone cellsStomach cellsBrain cellsSkin cellsMuscle cellsIf you are wondering if plant cells can grow inside your body, they cannot. Only animal cells are made to grow inside your body. The cells that grow in your body are specialized animal cells.

What do you do when your having fertilization?

your body creates a new human which will grow inside the female until brith.

Can larva grow inside the human body?

yes, it can but only under some rare circumstances!

What kind of soil does coral need to grow?

The coral reefs are mostly able to grow in clay like material that keeps the coral stable. They just need sand for certain corals and other grow on solid rock surfaces. It just depends if the coral is a Small polyp stoney corals or a large polyp stony or some other kind of soft coral.

Are a rooster's testicles under his wing?

No, actually. A rooster's testicle is actually INSIDE his body cavity, unlike mammals. But being inside his body cavity does not make him infertile, no. Birds have the kind of sperm that grow and thrive from being inside the body cavity, unlike mammals where if the testes were inside their body cavity, this would render them infertile.

Is there such a mushroom that if inhaled it will grow inside a person's body?

Yes the inhaled mushroom will grow in your body/ it is not named. you have nothing to worry about its like a piece of food growing in your stomach.the chemicals inside it goes into your lungs and follows a piece of food in your stomach

What percentage of humans have a cervical set of ribs?

Cervical ribs are extra ribs that grow closest to the neck. They occur in between one in 200 and one in 500 people.