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Q: How long can a pet hermit crab live without water or food?
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Can a hermit crab get to it food and water if it looses its legs?


What does a yellow hermit crab eat?

Get hermit crab food from the pet store.

Can you leave your hermit crabs alone if you are away for a weekend?

Yes you can. Just make sure the water bowl and food are sufficient for a few days and they will be fine...hermit crab can go without food for 1 week and water for 2 days.

Will hermit crabs eat a molting crab?

Yes, so if a hermit crab is molting put some card board in between the hermit crab and the others because the others might dig it up and eat it alive. Make SURE both sides of hermit crabs have food and water. Even though the hermit crab might not dig up that, day it might while you are away, and it will need food and water as soon as it comes up.

How do you make your hermit crab stronger?

It has to have 70-80 F and humidity to live, if you can 1 other hermit crab, distilled water, SEA salt water, 1 gallon of space per hermit crab, and food of course! They are scavengers and will eat anything like fruits and veggies. change food and waters daily / nightly

How does a hermit crab catch there food?

hermit crabs use their claws to grab food

What if your hermit crab is mad?

I don't think that hermit crabs can feel many emotions but if you feel that your hermit crab is in a grumpy mood just leave it alone and make sure it has all its essentials (water, food, ect.)

How far can a hermit crab travel?

They can travel as far as they want to, provided they have food and water available.

Where can you buy hermit crab food?

At the grocery store, you can get them fresh meat, fruits, veggies, seeds, and online you can get mixes like at the "hermit crab patch" and "the hermit crab addiction".

Can you feed a Fiddler crab hermit crab food?

No are you trying to kill it

What tools do you use to take care of hermit carbs?

You will need a tank, substrate, a food dish, 2 water dishes, ( for fresh and salt water) hermit crab food, a place for them to hide in.

Can a hamster eat hermit crab food?
