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Q: How long can a turtle live in cold water?
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How long can turtle eggs live in water?

100 years from the day they are layed before hatching.

Can a water snail live in cold water?

as long as it's not 60 degrees or colder

How long can a land turtle live underwater?

? THAT CANT they will die of drowned ? its like a dog can a dog live in water? noo think a little?

What does turtle drink?

Water and or alcohol I've tryed this once and the turtle is still alive... must be good for them long live bad harry

How long can a turtle drift on water?

it depends on what type of turtle and how heavy it is

Is a long neck turtle warm or cold blooded?

Turtles of all types are cold blooded.

How long can a snapping turtle survive without water?

A snapping turtle will occasionally come out of the water to bask in the sunlight for an hour or so. Female snapping turtles come out of the water to dig a hole and lay her eggs. She may be out of the water for up to five days.

How long did the oldest turtle live?

12 Months

How long can a pet desert turtle live without food or water?

The pet desert can survive without eating for a few months.

How long will a snapping turtle with a broken shell live?

most likely no they will not live

How long do water lillies last and how do you take care of them?

Water lilies can last a long time and require little maintenance. They live in the water and pond. As long as the water does not get too cold and ice it will be fine.

Which animal is likely to live about as long as you live?

A sea turtle can live up to a hundred years.