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Q: How long can cook bacon be left out of the refrigerator why are you not use the wording th?
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How long does bacon keep out of refrigerator?

Examine the bacon, if it looks good, then its good. This of course means it was kept covered over the stove, or kept in the microwave.WORD OF CAUTION: You cannot see bacteria, so don't assume that it is good. There are salt-tolerant Staph aureus. But, food safety classes used to teach that crisp-cooked bacon would be OK left out - to be continued . . .

Are 2 day old bacon sandwiches poisonous?

You might consider adding in some additional information, such as where it is has been for two days. Left on the counter or in your car-not good. In refrigerator-fine.

How long will cook meat last without putting in refrigerator?

Meat should never be left unrefrigerated over two hours, whether it it cooked or uncooked.

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He has not left her and she can cook.

Is Dane Cook left handed?

Yes, Dane Cook is left handed.

How long will a raw egg last sitting out of refrigerator?

Eggs left warm will age in one day what it would take 7 days in refrigerator to do. If an egg smells fine, the color is normal, and the yolk is still intact, then the aging process has not destroyed it.

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How does bacon get contaminated?

If Bacon is left sitting out at room temperature bacterial cells will contaminate it making it unsafe to eat.

What is Francis Bacon country?

Francis Bacon country is the country where sir Francis Bacon first used the left over meat on a pig as bacon and fried it in a pan or on a hot plate. this occured in 1843.