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are u a moron?? fish have GILLS the BREATHE under water

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Q: How long can fish hold their breathe under water?
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How can mammal breath while they are under water?

They do not breathe underwater. They hold their breath under the water and surface to breathe.

Why can't a hippo breathe under water?

Hippos have lungs, just like you and I. And lungs don't work if you try to breathe water. When diving they hold their breath.. To breathe water, an animals need gills - like a fish - or some similar structure.

How do water scorpions breathe underwater?

Scorpions can breathe under water, False. Scorpions cannot breathe under water but they can however hold their breath for up to 6 days

Can sea otters breathe under water?

Otters can't breathe under water. They're mammals, they breathe air, with lungs. When they dive, they hold their breath.

When you are a mermaid can you breathe under water can you see under water too?

You can't breathe under water but you can hold your breath for an extremely long time and you can also see under water.

How long can elephant seals breathe under water?

Elephant seals can't breathe under water at all. when they dive, they hold their breath.

Do Some mammals have gills and can breathe under water?

No, no mammals don't have gills, and can't breathe under water. Mammals have lungs, breathe air and have to hold their breath when diving.

How do sharks and dolphins breathe under water?

Sharks are fish, and breathe with gills. Dolphins are mammals, breathe with lungs, and can't breathe underwater. They breath at the surface, then hold their breath - which they're really good at - while diving.

Do water turtles breathe under water?

No they do not breathe under water. They have lungs. Aquatic turtles such as the red - eared slider can hold their breath for 3 - 4 hours.

How long can platypuses hold there breathe under water?

I'm geussing about 20-25 minutes under water

How do porpoise breath under water?

They do not breathe under water, they just hold their breath for long periods of time.

Can babies breathe under water?

That depends on what kind of baby you are talking about. Baby fish can certainly breathe under water. Baby mammals cant breathe under water.well it depends that's what i learned din my class of fcs.:) or else