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If you mean that (for instance) your freezer has broken and you want to know how long frozen food can be kept without power to the freezer. Then that really depends on much frozen food have in your freezer, how big it is, if you keep the lid shut would be unsafe and unwise to advise you on exact times for this - but rule of thumb the more items you have the longer the core temperature will remain low enough to keep your food safe (they insulate each other)!

Check out this to see advise if your freezer breaks:

However once it is defrosted you need to treat the items as if they are fresh.

Seafood and meat should be kept refrigerated and only kept for 2 days absolute max. Vegetables and herbs may last a little longer, but all products should ideally be used straight away to get the freshest taste and to ensure safety.

Heres some more specific guidelines on defrosting times:

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Q: How long can frozen foods be NOT frozen and still edible?
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Vacuum-sealed meats can last for up to a year, but the flavor gradually fades after the six-month mark. While the meat will still be edible a year or more later, it won't taste all that great.

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Technically, frozen food can be stored indefinitely and still be edible. Nutritional value and flavor eventual decay and this process is accelerated with a self-defrosting freezer because the food is not stored at a constant temperature. Frozen omelets should remain flavorful and edible (relatively speaking) for 8 to 12 weeks in the freezer, if wrapped to be airtight to prevent freezer burn or ice crystallization build up. Beyond that the quality will start to suffer.

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Why not? As long as it was fully frozen, there should be nothing wrong with it from a food safety standpoint. It may have freezer burn and taste terrible.

What if your freezer broke and you had 20 1 inch thick kc strips meat is still cool can you refreeze?

as long as they are still FROZEN. if they are not frozen anymore, you have limited time. not frozen but still cool to touch

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How long does Frozen last?

For a long as you like as long as the meat stays completely frozen. Some mammoth carcasses have been found that have been frozen for tens of thousands of years and the meat still exists.

Is two year old frozen beef good?

If the beef has been truly frozen without fail during the past two years, it is still edible but its texture, taste, and nutritional value will have been diminished. The main risk is to let it defrost for too long in the open air and let bacteria thrive on it. ===============================

Can almond bark be FROZEN for long-term storage?

Yes, this can be done with this food. This is a preferred way to store foods like this. Chocolate can also be frozen for long periods.