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Q: How long can gumbo with shrimp be kept in fridge?
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How long can pre cooked shrimp stay good in the fridge for?

1 week

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a couple days

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if kept in fridge unopened, about a month.

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How long can cooked shrimp stay fresh in the fridge?

IN reality because its a protein food then you should keep it at between 1 and 5 degrees. IN an ambiant room its safe for about 1 to 2 hours at max before it starts to deteriorate. The environmental heat will drive the need to refrigerated. As most homes have heating running at this time of year its much safer to lean toward food safety and refrigerate

How long does frozen shrimp last outside of fridge?

Approximately 2-4 hours depending on room temperature

How long is the shelf life of cheesecake?

1wk if kept sealed and in the fridge always unless to be eaten... 6months if kept frozen... =)

How long will cooked shrimp stay fresh in a refrigerator?

According to the Clemson University Extension article "Safe Handling of Seafood" cooked shrimp stays good in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Poultry how long can be kept in fridge after thawing?

Cook it within a day or two of thawing.

Can candied fruit kept in the fridge grow mold?

yes, depending on how long it has been there.

How long will shrimp keep chilled?

As long as the shellfish is kept at or below 45 degrees, it will last for about 5 days.

Can you eat shrimp one day old in a fridge?

That would depend what state the shrimp is in and for how long it has been kept unrefrigerated. Food Items can remain in the temperature danger zone (41-141 degrees F) for UP TO 2 hours and still be safe for consumption. Any longer and you risk food-born illnesses.