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A Hammerhead shark can grow up to 6 meters long

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Q: How long can hammerhead sharks grow up to?
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Related questions

How big are hammer sharks?

The great hammerhead, largest of the group, can be up to 16 feet long.

How long to Hammerhead sharks live in the wild?

Hammerhead sharks can live up to 25 years. Lifespan is cut short by disease, food shortages and angler's off the coast of Florida. tottally fake

How long do hammerhead shark's live for?

Hammerhead sharks can live up to 25 years. Lifespan is cut short by disease, food shortages.20-30 years

What is the method of great white and hammerhead sharks breathing?

get a life and shut up

Is hammerhead sharks skin used for sandpaper?

No hammerhead shark skin is not used for sandpaper, dont know how you came up with that theory

How do leopard shark grow?

Leopard sharks can grow up to 5 or 6 feet long.

How long do hammer head sharks live?

Hammerhead sharks typically live between 20 to 30 yearsin the wild. In captivity, their life expectancy is increased up to 40 years.

What type of teeth do hammerhead sharks have?

they have teeth sort of alike to a grey shark look up that shark yourself

How big do bala sharks get?

in a tank as big as it. you'll need to check up that on google or someplace like that for the open the oacen AF

How long does it take a hammerhead shark to reproduce?

hammer heads usually sleep for up to three hours a day because if they stop moving they withday do they move their tail (back fins) as they sleep

How big is a hammerhead sharks brain?

* A sharks brain is about the size of a basket ball! * Well it really depends on the size of the shark if it is a massive shark it can get up to the size of a yoga ball!

How big do rainbow sharks grow?

They can get up to 2 feet long sources:worked at pruces pets for three years own 5