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Unless you value your corned beef, I wouldn't let it sit in water longer than 10 minutes.

It will lose its taste and colour very quickly when exposed in pure (read: unsaltened) water.

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Q: How long can raw corned beef sit in water?
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How can you tell if raw corned beef is spoiled?

Sight and Smell!

What does raw corn beef smell like?

Tinned corned beef is not raw, the meat is cooked in the tin and can be eaten cold or hot. As to its smell - to me it smells deliciously beefy.

How long does raw beef stay good?

5 to 7 days

Does citric acid brown raw beef?

No, It will decolorise the raw beef.

How long can raw beef set at room temp?

Depends if it's alive or dead!

What is the English equivalent of raw beef ham?

Bacon Raw beef ham is a joint of beef treated like bacon hence "HAM" but its beef

RuneScape where do you get raw beef?

easy to get you get raw beef from cows just kill 'em XD

Why is raw beef ham called raw beef ham?

the beef is raw, and is pickled in a mixture of spices for up to three weeks depending on the thickness of the beef and how much of the spice flavour wanted in the beef. it is then cut thinly like bacon or ham, hence "beef Ham"

How long can you keep cooked corned beef?

There are no hard and fast rules about the length of time corned beef will keep. That will depend upon several factors including # the recipe/formulation # the packaging used # the handling of the corned beef from production through distribution to the store and by the consumer # the actual conditions of storage - especially temperature and temperature fluctuations Most of the information we have available are just guidelines. So use those and a bit of good sense. If the package is unopened and your refrigeration is 40°F or less (check with a thermometer), use the manufacturer's date on the package. If it is opened, plan to use it within 5-7 days. If it is frozen, plan to use it within one month.

Is raw beef healthy for you?

Raw beef is healthy. For more details kindly visit the link below.

What is the red that comes out beef?

usually if the beef is raw it is blood.

Where is E. coli normally found?

Normally found in Beef and vegetable's. :+)