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Really, you just should not eat it if it is out of date. Maybe you can eat it for one or two weeks after the date, but no more than that. Anyway, you should check it by the smell. If it is strong and salty, do not eat it. If it is soft and you do not recognize anything weird, then you can. Check there are no fungi!

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Q: How long can you eat frozen sea food after it gone out of date?
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NutriSystem food only lasts as long as the expiration date states. Once they have gone past the expiration date then the food is has gone stale.

Why Date marking frozen food is NOT necessary because freezing food keeps food safe to eat indefinitely as long as the food remains frozen?

By freezing food before the use by date will allow you to enjoy some of your perishable items past the use by date. However you cannot store food indefinitely, frozen food can go bad after a while and obtain freezer burn.

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Not long. Is your epiration date really a "sell buy date?" Often meats we buy are. Check the package. Then you probably have about 2-3 days. My grandma always said, "if in doubt throw it out."

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frozen chicken doesn't have a expiration date cause it is frozen.It does not get old.

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What does sale by mean on frozen food?

The "sale by" date lets the consumer know how long this item will be fresh or at its best. The stock employees also use this date to discard and replace items that are past their freshness date.

How long past the expiration date can you eat frozen soup entrees?

The exp. date is assuming they are kept frozen & is valid.

Can you eat frozen pasta after freeze by date?

Yes as long as it does not have mold on it.

How long can you keep mince pies frozen in freezer?

There should be a 'use by' date on the packaging.

How fresh are fast foods food?

Most food used at fast food restaurants is frozen, so it is not actually fresh. How long it is frozen before it is used is not known. After food are cooked, there is a hold time for how long it can be kept under the warming lights. Foods like lettuce that cannot be frozen usually contain preservatives to make it look fresher longer, but it is not known for how long.

How long can you keep frozen crabs in your freezer?

Commercially prepared and never unfrozen , about two months. But crab loses flavor quickly, and I would use them before their expiration date, even if kept properly frozen. Homemade and then frozen, not more than aweek for best flavor, and after two weeks, it's cat food.

How long do you keep food after it has gone off?

Well if its spoiled or "gone off" its bad, why keep it?