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Q: How long did it take Magi to get to Bethlehem?
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Why do the magi travel to Bethlehem?

The magi traveled to Bethlehem because they wanted to go see Jesus, and bring him gifts, when he was born.

Who magi made a long journey to Bethlehem to find?

The magi are referred to as the three wise men and they traveled to find Jesus Christ our savior. God guided them by the Northern star.

Where did the Magi find the child Jesus?

Matthew's Gospel tells us that the magi found the baby Jesus in a house in Bethlehem.

Why did King Herod send the Magi to Bethlehem?

King Herod sent the Magi to Bethlehem to find the baby they were looking for. He wanted them to come back and tell him where the baby was. He told them he wanted to know so he could worship him also, but he really planned to have him killed. The magi were warned in a dream, and so did not return to King Herod, but left another way.

The Magi made a long journey to Bethlehem to find?

Appearance of a new star in the sky told the Magician Priests of the East that a holy birth has taken place. So guided by this lode star, they set out on a long journey crossing mountains and deserts bearing unique gifts from the East and reached the city of Bethlehem to pay respect to the new born babe, the future secret protection, security and training of whom they dutifully and happily took on their shoulders.

Did a star guide them to Bethlehem?

The Magi, yes. It was also seen by shepherds watching their flocks in the area. Not a bad idea. By the way the Magi are not referred to as Kings or even noblemen in the biblical account.

How long would it take to ride a donkey from Bethlehem to Jerusalem?

35.6 days

How long does it take to drive from Bethlehem Pa to Baltimore Maryland?

10 hours

Who were the Magi from the life of Mary the mother of God?

The Magi were the wise men who came from the east in search of the newborn King of the Jews. They were guided to where Jesus, Mary and Joseph were staying in Bethlehem where they left gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

How long does it take to get to Bethlehem in a car?

No way of telling w/o knowing where you're starting from.

Who followed the star of Bethlehem?

The three wise men, "The Magi".According to Christianity, the three wise men followed the star to Bethlehem. The three wise men traveled to witness the birth of the boy called the son of God.

Who is the writer of the poem Journey Of The Magi?

T.S.Elliot is the author of the poem The Journey Of The Magi. When Baby Christ was born in Bethlehem, a new star rose in the sky. Star- Studying had then well-developed in the East. The Magician Priests there instantly knew that a Holy Birth has been caused in the West. Finding their way guided by this new star, three Magician Priests journeyed to Bethlehem with eastern gifts for this newborn babe. Magi means Magician Priests or Scholars.