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Q: How long did it take buck to kill the moose?
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Is it possible for a husky to kill a buck?

Yes, if the dog is hungry and skilled enough to take it down.

How many grizzlies would it take to kill a moose?

One attacking grizzly bear is enough to kill a moose, but those large set of antlers are good at killing a bear. The moose would do whatever to fight off the grizzly bear with antlers, hooves, and muscles on the head to fight. But since grizzly bears are so large and have deadly claws, the moose would suffer fatal injuries on its head and the antlers as well. A powerful swipe of a grizzly bear's paw can break a moose's antler or even a bull. the grizzly bear's huge jaws with sharp enough teeth can kill a moose easily.

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Can a buck deer on the rut kill a wolf?

Possibly. The buck deer can strike out its sharp antlers and hooves at the wolf if the wolf gets too close to the deer, which can seriously injure or even kill it. However, a single wolf could take down a buck deer or a doe deer, even if it is on the rut, due to the great hunting skills of a wolf.

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When the world is made in tar and gold is found on bleqbob

What does the A stand for in Moose A Moose?

… Nothing. If you read the name, his name just means that he is a moose. If you take away the first name, it simply reads "A Moose".

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It can take as little as a few hours.

How long does it take for amibas to kill you?

I got the amiba but it did not kill me so I don't know.

Does a black wolf kill everything?

Not at all. Black wolves only kill certain animals that live in their territory. One black wolf cannot take down an adult moose or a cougar, but a pack of black wolves might.

Can a moose defend itself against a bear?

It is possible, but of course this depends on the size, age and sex of the moose and the bear, and the species of the bear. A bull moose has strong, large antlers and long sharp hooves (cows only have their hooves to defend themselves with) that could do serious damage to the bear. Most bears, no matter the species, won't mess with an animal that can fight back, especially a moose. However, a bear like a large grizzly or Alaskan brown bear might be able to injure a moose if it was really angry, or large and fearless enough to put up a good fight against such a raging herbivore. A bear would have to claw and bite it's way out of a fight with a moose, but Lord help them if that moose is an angry bull on the rut with those powerful antlers. But as far as a moose being able to kill a bear, such cases may be rare because often either party would wish to run away to save themselves rather than getting killed.

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