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Answer is not exactly known, as origin of first unicellular organisms is unknown. First multicellular organisms appeared in late Precambrian. Look up Burgess Shale for details.

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Q: How long did it take for unicellular organisms to evolve to multicellular?
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Which type of organism developed first?

Answer 1Unicellular organism evolved first.Answer 2Both unicellular and unicellular organisms had been created in the meantime by God on the creation of earth. These organisms; by God will; had been evolved to be adapted to nature.

What is the difference between unicellular and multicellular?

A unicellular organism and a multicellular organism are different because, those that are unicellular consist of only a single cell. Those cells are very simple because they lack a nuclei and their DNA is not separated from the rest of the cell . Any injury or death of cell in unicellular organism leads to death's. life span is short and theirs cell is comparatively large.Multicellular organisms on the other hand, are made of many cells and are major complex. Their cells do have a nuclei and have their DNA separated from the rest of the cell.Theirs life span is long. They have better adaptability for survival.theirs cell size is smaller .

How long have unicellular organisms have lived on Earth?

they have lived for up to millions of years

Are spirogyra multicellular or colonial algae?

Spirogyra is a type of colonial green algae. They are unicellular and arrange themselves in long filaments.

Are arthropods unicellular?

No. A unicellular organism is an organism made up of ONE CELL, so they're all microscopic. Microscopic means that you can't see it it without a microscope. And you can see a sea urchin, so it is not microscopic, so it's not unicellular.

Is a root hair cell unicellular or multicellular?

Epiblema is the outermost covering of the root formed by single layer of compactly arranged, barrel-shaped, parenchyma cells. The cells are characteristically thin-walled since they are involved in absorption of water. A cuticle and stomata are absent. Some of the epiblema cells are produced into long unicellular projections called root hairs. Hence, the epiblema is also known as piliferous layer

Is a bacterial cell unicellular?

unicellular, however sometimes they are associated in groups or long strings.

What are some advantages of being unicellular?

If you are unicellular you will be able to reproduce very quickly, thereby making more of your type of cells quickly. Another advantage to being unicellular is that unicellular organisms live a short life, so they are able to adapt very quickly, verses a multi-cellular organism that could take hundreds of years to adapt.

When did the hypohippus appear and into what organisms did it likely evolve?

it appeared a long time ago its extinct and it evolved into a horse

What is an advantage that single-celled organisms have compared to multicellular organisms?

The advantage of a multicellular organism over a unicellular organism is that multicellular organisms can grow to virtually any size because the cells integrate their activities and are permanently associated with one another. Unicellular organisms can only grow to a certain size because of certain surface-area-to-volume problemsMulticellular organisms have specialization

These are singular relatively long whiplike organelles that many unicellular organisms use for motion?

Cilia and flagella.

Why does euglena have tail like structure?

The Euglena are unicellular organisms with flagella. These flagella are long whip-like tailsused for movement