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SCrooge didnt write the stoy. He is the main character in the story. Charles Dickens wote the story in 6 weeks and it was then published 17 December 1843

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Q: How long did it take scrooge to write a Christmas carol?
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How long did it take Charles dickens to write scrooge A Christmas Carol?

Charles Dickens wrote "A Christmas Carol" in about six weeks. He began writing the story in October 1843 and finished it by the end of November in the same year.

What Disney character portrayed Jacob Marley in Mickey's Christmas Carol?

Goofy portrays Jacob Marley in Mickey's Christmas Carol, he comes to tell Scrooge (Scrooge McDuck) that three spirits will visit him soon, Goofy has a ghost-like appearance and is in long chains.

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Bob Cratchit worked as a clerk for Ebenezer Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol". He was responsible for keeping track of Scrooge's business affairs and performed various administrative tasks in the office. Despite his low wages and poor working conditions, Cratchit remains dedicated to his job and his family.

How long did it take dickens to write a christmas carol?

six weeks

What is the point of the long description beginning the house fronts looked black enough and the Windows blacker in a Christmas carol?

The long description in "A Christmas Carol" sets the eerie and somber mood of the story, foreshadowing the appearance of the ghosts. It also highlights the contrast between the darkness of Scrooge's world and the festive spirit of Christmas, emphasizing the transformation that Scrooge will undergo throughout the tale.

How long were Marley and Scrooge partners for in the book a Christmas Carol?

The length of their relationship was never mentioned but its estimated some 25 years

Who was Jacob in the Christmas carol?

Jacob Marley is a central character in Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." He was Ebenezer Scrooge's former business partner who visits him as a ghost to warn him about his miserly ways and impending doom if he does not change his behavior.

How long ago in Scrooge's past is this scene set In a Christmas carol stave 2?

It would have gone back to his early childhold circa 50 years

What did the first spirit come for in A Christmas Carol?

The first spirit was Scrooge's former business partner Jacob Marley. He came to tell Scrooge that he was wasting his life, that he had a long and grievous chain, and that he was to be visited by three more spirits.To show Ebenezer Scrooge his past.

In 'A Christmas Carol' how long was Scrooge's journey?

The book begins on Christmas Eve. Scrooge thinks the journey lasts three nights, (as each of the ghosts come when the clock strikes one) but at the end of the book he realizes that the whole experience took place in one night as he wakes the next morning on Christmas Day.

What is the longest sentence in a the book A Christmas Carol?

The longest sentence in "A Christmas Carol" is 196 words long and appears in the first stave. It describes the miserly character of Ebenezer Scrooge, emphasizing his greed and lack of generosity. This sentence showcases Charles Dickens' elaborate writing style and attention to detail.