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I tried after 24 hrs and went through the worst withdrawal of my life. It is important that you should wait 36hrs after taking methadone to use suboxone. However I did not have the same affect the other way around i.e. taking methadone after being on suboxone

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13y ago

36 - 60 hours you should wait so you don't induce P.W.S.S. and if you don't know what that is then think about your worst withdraw from opiates and times it by a 100. That's what it is....

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Q: How long do you have to wait after taking 6 mg of suboxine to get a buzz from methadone?
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How long after taking methadone will it show up in drug test?

Methadone can be found for three days in the urine after consumption.

Can you work while taking methadone?

Yes, as long as methadone is taken as prescribed, you can maintain employment.

How long after taking methadone does it show up in your system?

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Methadone is not intended to create a euphoric effect. If euphoria occurs this can indicate that you are taking too much methadone.

How long should you wait to take methadone after you take suboxone?

are you saying after you quit taking the suboxone? or while still taking the suboxone? first of all never EVER take together the both combined. if you take suboxone and want to just take methadone to buzz it will cause severe withdrawal symptoms. if you are taking methadone and want off of it, then wait at least three days, maybe 48 hrs it depends how much you have taken. never combine those two it can be deadly. by the way i don't even know what i'm answering. i'm confused. i'm on crack!!!!!

How long does it take for suboxone to start working my husband took it this morning and hes been sick all day he used methadone 48 hrs ago and used heroin last night when will he start feeling good?

He won't. You won't feel the effects of suboxine if you haven't been off opiates for around 48 hours. Otherwise, suboxine actually makes you sick

Can you have children on methadone?

Yes, you can. If you do get pregnant while on methadone, do , PLEASE , PLEASE , not detox. At best it will be a shaky experience for you. At worst, you can end up having a miscarriage.

Can the amount of methadone in a person's system be detected by urine?

I believe it can be considering how long you have been taking it and how much , it would probably come to be recognized by the test as an opiate since methadone is a derivative/synthetic opiod, its like marijuana if you have been taking it for months it will takes am extended time for it to clense from your system. -Rob ~Long Time Methadone User forf

How long does the blocker in methadone last once stop taking?

If you are asking how long it affects the nervous system, it is 3.8 hours.

How long before suboxine leaves your body?

24 to 36 hours

How does Fentanyl and methadone mix?

YOU cannot use tramadol in combination with methadone. It is an opiate antagonist which if you are taking methadone can send you into instant severe withdrawl. I do not have the answer for methadone and fentanyl combination but do not use the tramadol methadone combination. If you do or have you are in for a very very scary experience. There are many pain meds you cannot mix with methadone. Take it from a life long methadone patient who has experienced what it is like to mix an opiate antagonist with methadone........Do not try it............................

Can you take one methadone pill and one vicodin together?

If you want to, yes. But the methadone is a much more potent opiate than Vicodin. If you are taking an adequate dose of methadone, then it is likely that all your opiate receptors in your brain are full. That is, in fact, the point of taking methadone. If they are, then you probably won't "feel" anything from the Vicodin. If you are not taking an adequate dose of methadone, then the Vicodin will help with pain/opiate withdrawls/whatever you are taking it for. It is important to add that if you take the Vicodin with methadone, or any long acting/extended release opiate, that you are still increasing your chances of respiratory depression(the #1 risk of taking too many pain-killers or benzodiazopenes) EVEN IF you do not "feel" the effects from the Vicodin.