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They die once they hit the air

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Q: How long do organisms last outside the body?
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How long will sperm stay alive on the carpet?

Just a few hours. Depending on the heat an humidity it could be just a few minutes. Sperm have their own energy supply to last two days, or longer int the right environment, like a females body. But outside the male and female body, their life is shortened.

How long can bacteria live outside the body?

There are many types of bacteria some of which don't need to live inside another organism.

How long does methamphetamine last in your body?

3 to 4 days depends on what you drink and if you drink alot of water

Can human cells live independently outside the body?

There are many uni-cellular organisms which are single celled and survive independently without depending on other cells. If your question is Can a Human cell survive out of Human body? Yes, the human cells can survive out of human body if all the nutrition and the other factors which keep the cell to function are provided to the cell. multi-cellular organisms are made up of tissues of different kinds and organs which are inter-dependent for nutrition and survival. So if the cells are removed from human body, it will survive till the nutrition gets exhausted. There are many scientific methods by which the nutrition and other required substances are provided to the cells which are taken from human body and stored for long periods. The cells are also made to multiply outside the body and it is known as cell-culture or tissue culture.

How long does pleurisy last?

How long does pleurisy last

Related questions

How long does E. coli Bacteria live outside of the body Specifically on shoes?

E. coli bacteria can live outside of the body for long durations of time. This is especially true when there are conditions available that allow for these organisms to eat and multiply.

Sperm how long does it last outside the body?

It can live up to a half hour after ejaculation under the absolute best conditions,

How long does Clostridium difficile live outside the body?

Cholera organisms can live and remain infectious almost forever as long as they are in water. Boiling the water is the only sure way to kill them.

How long does hepitis live outside the body?

Hepatitis C can live for 1 week outside the body.

How long does nerve gas last in the air?

Depends on the area of the building you put it in or if its outside it doesnt last long.

How long can sperm be outside the body?

About three hours.

How long does staphylococcus aureus live outside the body?

I am not sure how long it will live outside the body, but this does not necessarily matter as many people are carriers.

Can sperm still survive after dried and washed off after an hour?

no, sperm cant last long outside the human body and if its dry then there's no way it is alive.

How long does cocaine last in body?

Cocaine may last in your body for about 15 hours.

How long is the rectum and anus to the outside of the body?

around 8".

How long does canned whipped cream last outside of the fridge?


How long is sperm active?

In the body 4-6 days. Outside the body 5 minutes.