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your extension should start next week.depending the tier if your on tier 4 your screwed ! you get a big 6 weeks and no retro .after 35 years of work they should have gave me a gold watch i would of done better with the price of gold!

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Q: How long do unemployment benefits last in Florida before extensions?
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What is the maximum unemployment benefit in Florida?

In Florida, the maximum amount of money that can be earned per week for unemployment is $275. The maximum number of weeks this can be collected varies depending on the unemployment rates in the state.

How long can you claim unemployment for?

Generally speaking, you can claim unemployment, in most states, for the first 4 quarters worked of the last 5 completed quarters. You can receive benefits, before extensions, for up to 26 weeks within the next 52 weeks

Can a Florida resident draw unemployment if self employed?

In Florida, you have to file a claim to find out about this particular question. Reference: "FAQs"; 'Claims and Benefits'; "Before I Claim; #3. in the Related Link below.

In Texas can you apply for Social Security Disability while drawing Florida State Unemployment?

The issue is not with Texas, but with Florida. Florida might charge you with unemployment fraud because you would be drawing their benefits AND the Fed's SSDI. The Social Security Administration investigates very thoroughly before awarding their benefit. If THEY said you wouldn't be able to work due to a disability, Florida's requirements might be violated. If you qualify for SSDI, check to see if you should cancel Florida's benefits.

Does an employer have to respond to an unemployment claim before benefits can be received?


What is the maximum unemployment benefit in Wisconsin?

The maximum amount of unemployment benefits in Wisconsin is $363 per week while the minimum is $54. The Related Link below also shows how much you can earn while receiving each week's range of benefits.

Did the senate pass a unemployment 13 week extention?

Yes. See the Related Link below for details.

Does the length of employment determine the length of collecting unemployment benefits?

The length of employment and wages earned in that period determine the amount of weekly benefits you qualify for. Depending on the state, benefit pay outs generally range from 13 to 26 weeks, before any extensions, and that period is dependent on the weekly benefits. Each state has it's own criteria for these decisions.

What if you find a job before your unemployment benefits run out?

You notify the unemployment commission, stop collecting benefits (unemployment is not an entitlement, it is something you receive as a benefit to help you get through a period when you are unemployed by no fault of your own), and move happily into your new position of employment.

Will there be another unemployment extension or are they just extending the eligibility dates?

As of right now, no there is not. Some states with exceptionally high unemployment rates have triggered EB(Extended benefits) for up to 20 weeks - this might be considered a Tier III extension. Most people that are on this will expire before the end of summer. The people that have been unemployed since early 2008 are in the worst position - no jobs and extensions to run out!Congress should pass another legislation for a Tier VI extension before they go on vacation this August 2009. It is desperately needed as unemployment continues to rise. Where are the jobs??The tally is in. H.R. 3548 passes by a 98-0 margin. It now will move back to the House, which is expected to take up the bill quickly.

Suppose your unemployment benefits do not cover your living expenses?

that's not uncommon. Unemployment benefits are intended to keep an unemployed individual afloat during their temporary time of unemployment. However, not all unemployment is created equal and the amount you receive depends on the state you live in, the amount you were paid before, and how long you worked there.

What do you do in Michigan when your benefit year for unemployment benefits is about to expire and you are still unemployed?

If the U.S. Senate determines to continue to fund the unemployment benefits this week, residents will continue to be able to receive their federally funded unemployment benefits, as if nothing happened. If you happen to be one of the many Michigan residents who are unemployed and are receiving unemployment benefits and you now have questions, call your local unemployment office. They will better be able to explain what you will qualify for and what you will not be receiving at this point. Rumors do fly in situations like this; however, find out the facts before taking everything that you hear to heart.