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it depend on how blonde you want your hair juss leave the beach in till the desired blondee

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Q: How long do you have to leave bleach in your hair?
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How long do you leave bleach in dark brown hair?

long hair

How long do you leave bleach in your hair when its red?


How long do you leave home bleach in your hair?

Around 25 Years.

How long should you leave bleach in your hair if it's black?

45-60 mins MAX

How long should you leave bleach in your hair?

Most likely, if you used dye, it stands on the package

How long do you leave bleach in your hair?

It depends on what type of hair you have. soft, straight take about 45 mins- 1 hour. dirty and greasy take twice as long

What happens if hair bleach gets on your hands for a long time?

It can cause irritation and chemical burn the skin. The same happens to your scalp if you leave it on to long.

How long do you leave bleach in your hair if you want to get brownish tiny highlights not blond?

about 10 minutes i am a hairstylist so that's what i believe.

Can rubbing alcohol bleach black hair if left on too long?

no, it won't bleach your hair but it will dry it out!

How long do you leave the Bleach in when bleaching your hair MY hair is black and looks almost orange in some spots but at the ends its still dark?

You can leave bleach on the hair for up to an hour. After this it will not work. You have to make a fresh batch. The more time that the bleach is out in the air the less time you have to put it on the hair. The ends are dark because there is more of a build up of colour there. You will have to do this on a few separate occasions. Because your hair is black the bleach will take longer to take the colour out. Black changes to red, the orange then blonde, it does take longer to get black out.

What can happen if you leave hair bleach in for two hours?

it goes gold

Does adding water to hair bleach ruin it?

doing this will mess the hair up by making the hair dissolve infront of you which will leave you with no hair so i would not advise using bleach with water if you do want to keep your hair.