

Best Answer

If you live in a place where same-sex

marriage is legal, then you can initiate divorce proceedings immediately, assuming you meet all of the requirements of the law, including the minimum period of residency in your state (which is usually about a year). In other words, if your state recognizes same-sex

marriage then you can file for divorce immediately, unless you just recently moved to your state.

If you live in a place that does not recognize same-sex

marriage, then you cannot divorce there. You must move to a place that does recognize it and wait until you have met the minimum residency requirement, which is usually a year.

One exception is Washington DC. The District of Columbia anticipated that many couples would come from out of state to marry there and then return to their home state. DC law permits anyone who married in DC to divorce there, even if they live in another state. So, if you married in DC, then you can file divorce papers without any delay.

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Q: How long do you have to wait to divorce after marrying someone of the same sex?
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