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Q: How long does a day go on mars last?
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Can you go naked on Mars?

Yes - if that is your way, but don't expect to last very long.

What is the revolution of Mars?

It takes 1.88 Earth years for Mars to go once around the Sun. The Martian day is about 25 hours long.

How long does a year lasts on Mars?

A day on Mars (the time it takes to rotate on its axis) is 24.62 hours, just slightly longer than a day on Earth.A year on Mars (the time it takes to go around the Sun) is 686.97 days, almost 2 of our Earth years.for more information, See other related questions, e.g. how long is a day on mars?=]

How many earth days does it take for a day on mars to go by?

A day on Mars is almost the same as an Earth day. It is only 39.6minutes longer.

How long does Mars Mars take to go round the sun?

apparently it takes 686.971 days to go round

How long does it take mars to go around the sun in hours?

Mars takes 686 days to go around the sun

How long does it take for mars to go round the sun?

not sure

How long will it take to go to Saturn from Mars?

How long it takes to go from Mars to Saturn depends on:how massive a craft you are usinghow hig an acceleration you can tolleratehow long you can acceleratethe specific orbit you decide to follow

How long does it take mars to go round the sun once in earth days?

It takes 686.971 earth days for Mars to go once around the sun.

How many years will it take you to go to pluto?

at least 12 year....just to go to mars in 2 months and mars is really close and pluto is the last planet......nicole :) hoped this helped..

How long is one day on Mars?

A day on Mars (the time it takes to rotate on its axis) is 24.62 hours, just slightly longer than a day on Earth. A year on Mars (the time it takes to go around the Sun) is 686.97 days, almost 2 of our Earth years. A day on Mars is 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35 seconds; amazingly similar to a day on Earth. This is just one of the reasons that space enthusiasts think that Mars might make a good planet for colonization. 199995 earth days

What is mars diameter and how long does it take to go around the sun?

Mars takes about 687 earth days to rotate around the Sun