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Until you are able to get them bred. If you suspect a false pregnancy you should take your doe to the bucks cage and try to breed her until she catches. A doe that repeatedly has false pregnancies may be barren and should be culled from the herd. You can not afford to feed a rabbit that is non-productive.

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Q: How long does a false pregnancy last in rabbits?
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How long does false pregnancy last in dogs?

9 weeks on average.

Do spayed rabbits have false pregnancies?

Spayed rabbits can occasionally have the symptoms of a false pregnancy and begin nesting behaviors. As long as this is not prolonged or too intense it is nothing to worry about. Try to distract your rabbit with toys, give her other things to play with and do.

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How long will a phantom pregnancy in a rabbit last?

A false pregnancy? Breed her as soon as you can. But, unless you are positive there's a market for your rabbits, do not breed them at all. There are rabbits in shelters all over the country, and when their time runs out they are put down even if they're healthy. It's terribly irresponsible to add to this overpopulation, or to bring new lives into the world just to "cull" them because no one wants to adopt them. Even if you know there is a market for your rabbits, consider this: all those customers of yours could be rescuing rabbits from shelters, intend of buying your rabbits that don't even exist yet. However, the final point is this: if you don't know what you're doing, don't breed your bunnies: instead, spay/neuter them. False pregnancies are stressful for rabbits, and you're doing them a favour by spaying them. See the related questions below for more details.

How long after late short period should you take a pregnancy test?

Its best to perform a pregnancy test, 3-4 weeks after you last had intercourse or when your period is a few days late.

How long is a pregnancy last?

9 months

How long does a human pregnancy last for?

A pregnancy usually lasts for 9 months

How long pregnancy last for first pregnancy?

9 months 40 weeks

How long does a typical pregnancy last?

40 weeks from the last period.

How long does a monkey's pregnancy last?

9 months

Can you get a negative positive pregnancy test?

It is possible. Pregnancy tests are never 100%. Depending on which one you used will depend on the accuracy of the answer. Another factor is how long it's been since your last period. False Positives and Negatives do sometimes occur though.

How long does white tiger pregnancy last?

it lasts for 4months